CFAN Chinese Theater Group

CFAN Chinese Theatre Group is an officially registered student organization of UCLA. We aim to represent ourselves as a highly professional student theater group, with a focus on giving a new cultural or non- cultural perspective on a classic work. We aspire to express ourselves through theater and contribute to the diversity of UCLA's performing arts community. By continually producing high-quality plays every quarter, we have accrued recognition as a renowned Chinese theater group in LA, and consistently attract a large number of participants in each of our projects. CFAN has so far produced 21 major productions, and 5 complementary productions cooperating with the Chinese Student and Scholar Association since its foundation in Feb, 2012 and has received not only extensive support from a total of over 4000 audiences but also opportunities to perform on stages in other UC campuses such as UCI. Our purpose is to encourage more international students to get involved in campus lives and promote the cultural communication between Americans and Chinese as well as foster great friendships among students and scholars from all cultural backgrounds. We endeavor to inspire international students to develop their own aesthetic and opinion about the art of theater and provide an influential platform to make their voices heard.

Signatories: Zijun Huang, Anqi Cai, and Zhengguo Hao

Advisor: Orlando Luna

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