Hands On

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Hands On is a beneficial club where students can learn and practice sign language, gather a stronger understanding of the Deaf Community, and converse in ASL, American Sign Language. Hands On mainly focuses upon practicing and enhancing ASL knowledge, but don’t worry we teach it too! Through many different games and activities, we strive to achieve proficiency in ASL and encourage numerous trips to nearby Deaf Events. ASL is one of the most creative, expressive, and fun languages that can drastically help in the job market and society in general. There are a significant number of people who become, or are born, deaf; an even higher number are hard of hearing or hearing impaired. Hands On attempts to bridge this gap by providing knowledge of Deaf culture, the deaf community, and ASL. Hands On's program is fun, exciting, and an opportunity that shouldn’t be passed up! Plus, it’s a ridiculously fun language to learn! Learn a new language, make new friends! Come check out Hand's On!


Signatories: Jennifer Miyaki, Mark-Anthony Valentin, and Olivia Pera

Advisor: Maria Anna Salazar Capinpin

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