Echo: A Music-Centered Journal

Echo: A Music-Centered Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal created and edited by graduate students in the Department of Musicology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Since our first issue in Fall 1999, we have published biannually and welcome submissions and project proposals throughout the year. Echo is an entirely Web-based journal, and can be accessed free of charge by any online visitor. Echo’s purpose is to create a forum for discussion about music and culture that includes voices from diverse backgrounds. To that end, we endeavor to make all work accessible to readers without formal musical training; the use of sound and film clips in our journal enables writers to discuss nuances of performance without relying solely on music notation. Articles address music in diverse social contexts, and are not confined to any geographically, historically, or methodologically bounded genre. Echo's ISSN is 1535-1807

Signatories: Kerry Brunson, Hyeonjin Park, and Alexander Hallenbeck

Advisor: Jonathon Taylor Jones

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