Architecture & Urban Design Student Journal and Culture Committee

Architecture & Urban Design Student Journal and Culture Committee Logo

The Architecture & Urban Design Student Journal and Culture Committee is the student committee behind the journal POOL and related events. POOL is the student journal of the Department of Architecture & Urban Design at the University of California, Los Angeles. POOL is driven by an interest in an expanding definition of architectural work that, in a culture of high volume content exchange, considers curation as a primary form of cultural production. Following this, we contend that the syllabus, the archive, and the aggregator are all valid forms of architectural work that we welcome and encourage in our publication. POOL is a site of this type of work, experimenting with interface between its three primary platforms: event, digital, and print. Events and ongoing digital publication act not only as productive indicators of relevant themes, but also feed into an annual print edition. POOL aspires to reach new audiences, seeing the separation of fields into hermeneutic discourses as unproductive, and strives instead for the inclusion of new and unexpected audiences through the incorporation of media unconventional to architectural discourse.

Signatories: Sam Sherman, Zanira Sandhu, and Kinamee Rhodes

Advisor: Orlando Luna

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