Bruin Entrepreneurs

Founded in 2013, Bruin Entrepreneurs’ core mission is to facilitate entrepreneurship among UCLA undergraduates by providing resources, networking, and guidance. Our aim is to assist students of all majors and levels of experience in starting their own businesses by providing educational workshops designed to introduce students to the basics of entrepreneurship. In addition to hosting guest speaker and presentation events, we also intend to help establish UCLA’s presence in the Los Angeles startup community by providing students with external networking opportunities to connect with existing startups, accelerators, and investors in the area. Finally, Bruin Entrepreneurs is intended as a meeting place for like-minded students who share an interest in creative innovation. We aim to provide a productive and collaborative environment for business people, developers, and everyone in between to connect and share their talents. Become a part of Bruin Entrepreneurs today. Pursue your passion. BE the next thing.

Signatories: Sarah Wilen, Elena Alimin, and Justin Yeung

Advisor: Markell Clyde Johnson

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