Medical Aid Initiative (MAI)

The Medical Aid Initiative is a student-founded organization that provides resources to organizations that share the same vision of providing free medical care and health education to both domestic and international communities. Through our partnership with UCLA Health, MAI collects excess medical supplies for use in global health missions. Since U.S. hospitals produce over two million tons of medical waste each year, MAI helps to reallocate usable medical supplies to where they are needed. MAI's mission is to increase sustainability in healthcare, distribute medical supplies to global communities, and increase awareness around the issue of medical waste. Over the last five years, MAI has been able to divert 6,000 pounds of waste from landfill and donated over $350,000 worth of supplies to medical aid organizations around the world.

Signatories: Sydney Laramie, Naren Ramesh, and Ginny Ghang

Advisor: Pamela R Cysner

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