Bruin Assistance for All (BAFA) seeks to serve people experiencing homelessness in the greater Los Angeles area with a social support network to assist their transition from homelessness. Our services include tutoring and mentoring as well as workshops and activities to build self-esteem for individuals experiencing homelessness. We partner with the transitional shelter Alexandria House and plan to partner with more shelter and homelessness organizations in the upcoming year. We hold weekly tutoring sites for elementary school children as well as one to two cooking nights each quarter. We also plan to hold workshops centered on self-improvement such as resume and interview skills in order to help empower the residents of Alexandria House. Overall, BAFA hopes to make an impact on homelessness in LA through education and mentorship.

Signatories: Anagha Chandrasekharan, Deepika Reddy, and Aliya Jain

Advisor: Maria Anna Salazar Capinpin

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