Design Create Solar at UCLA

Founded in Spring 2019, Design Create Solar is a non-profit technology oriented student organization that strives to bring UCLA students from different educational backgrounds together to brainstorm, design and ultimately produce a solar energy solution to energy-related issues within the UCLA community and underprivileged communities around the world. Design Create Solar has three main technical programs: IMPACT, @UCLA and COLLABORATE. Our first program, the IMPACT program, aims at developing a solar energy solution to an energy related issue in an underprivileged community anywhere around the world. With a focus on taking applicable engineering and technical skills from the classroom into the real world, this program gives our members the ability to create innovative solar energy solutions to serve the global community. Our second program, the @UCLA program, is aimed at designing, manufacturing, assembling and analyzing a product that utilizes solar energy to provide a readily available source of energy for UCLA students, faculty and visitors for various applications. Our third program, the COLLABORATE program, aims at connecting Design Create Solar with other clubs on campus to work on projects that require the incorporation of solar technologies to achieve the best outcomes. The purpose of the COLLABORATE program is to further the interdisciplinary learning that Design Create Solar hopes to foster and to develop special connections with other student organizations within UCLA. Although we are a club that is based on Engineering principles, our organization is a hub for UCLA students from all backgrounds. We are an eclectic group of students that use engineering, artistic, marketing, and business skills to shine light on the global energy and environmental crises and to get the public excited about Solar Energy as an effective solution.

Signatories: Lindsey Parungo, Scott Lin, and Luke Mariak

Advisor: Orlando Luna

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