Dermatology Interest Group

The Dermatology Interest Group (DIG) has been founded for the purpose of advancing student knowledge of the dermatology specialty. Our objectives include: In order to fulfill our goals and objectives, we will utilize faculty support to provide lunchtime talks, offer mentorship opportunities, have regular meetings among medical students in their didactic and clinical training, and establish open communication among students conducting research in dermatology at UCLA. The structure of DIG includes a committee focused on didactics (lunchtime discussions), and a cabinet consisting of a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. DIG will also include both upperclassmen and underclassmen so that both clinical and didactic aspects of DIG can be better addressed and included in DIG meetings. The role of our faculty advisor is to assist DIG members in exploration of long range occupational and professional plans in dermatology, refer students to sources for specialized assistance in dermatology, and to contribute awareness of opportunities in laboratories, clinics, and field experiences. Membership includes graduate students, medical students, and faculty.

Signatories: Frank Zhou, Xóchitl Longstaff, and Charlotte Wahle

Advisor: Pamela R Cysner

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