Days for Girls at UCLA

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Days for Girls at UCLA is a chapter of the international non-profit organization founded in 2008 by Celeste Mergens. We provide sustainable menstrual hygiene kits to women, girls, and menstruators all over the world, while raising awareness about the stigma and shame surrounding menstruation. At UCLA, we focus our service at three scales: on campus, we provide students with sustainable menstrual products. At the regional level, we host product drives and packing parties to provide products to unhoused menstruators in LA. At the international level, we attend monthly kit making events with the LA Chapter of Days for Girls and help prepare the kits that will be sent out to various countries. Aside from our volunteer work, we have weekly educational meetings and fun socials throughout the quarter. We believe in menstrual equity everywhere. Period.

Signatories: Kaitlyn Shimohara, Amanda Mak, and Margot Kirby

Advisor: Aaron Joshua Alba Tacub

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