
MedReach Logo

MedReach at UCLA is a volunteer outreach organization that aims to provide education and mentorship to high school students interested in exploring the healthcare field. Our goal is to educate and inspire high school students throughout Los Angeles County through our quarterly healthcare seminars and mentorship program. MedReach members will join one of three committees: Careers, Medical Terminology, and Case Studies. Members of each committee will be responsible for contributing to their respective segments of the seminar and helping our organization provide an invaluable experience to aspiring healthcare professionals. MedReach members will also participate as mentors in our mentorship program to offer guidance curated to students’ academic, professional, and career goals. Our organization hopes to provide high school students will the tools and knowledge to better navigate the medical field and the limitless paths to reach their goals. While MedReach aims to serve high school students, this organization offers members a welcoming pre-health community in addition to social, networking, and volunteer opportunities.

Signatories: Madonna Silver, Nisha Andrews, and Adarsh Jagadish

Advisor: Jonathon Taylor Jones

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