Pre-Med Community at UCLA

Pre-Med Community at UCLA Logo

The Pre-Med Community at UCLA is a 100% non-competitive organization that seeks to help UCLA pre-med students navigate their academic path and meet individuals like them. We have already amassed over 2,000 members since our founding in May 2020. Through this club, members are encouraged and given the platform to network with peers, doctors, and medical students. We additionally help students form study groups, support groups, and share resources - all while building the foundation needed in order to succeed in their academic endeavors and enter the healthcare field. We offer mentorship, career, research, volunteer, and certification opportunities, as well as real advice from medical students and doctors. We are currently partnered with a number of organizations, including one from the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. The Pre-Med Community at UCLA is available to all students, regardless of major, GPA, or other criteria. This club is non-competitive and non-exclusive in order to ensure that every student at UCLA has a fair and equal chance to access the resources we offer. Our primary goal is to make the pre-med culture at UCLA more welcoming and open!

Signatories: Adele Nguyen, Julianna Shimabukuro, and Soomin Kim

Advisor: Pamela R Cysner

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