Pre-Professional Advisement and Training Honor Society (PATHS)

Pre-Professional Advisement and Training Honor Society (PATHS) Logo

Our goal is to provide each and every mentee with not only a career specific mentor, but a community of like minded peers with which they can foster both professional and personal relationships along their journey through college. Through our interdisciplinary approach encompassing the fields of pre-med, pre-health, pre-law, pre-business, and pre-dental, we hope to expose students to different career paths and their potential differences in mindsets. We hope that through new perspectives, students are able to grow in ways they never could before, allowing them to become open-minded and empathetic individuals before they become open-minded and empathetic professionals one day. We've additionally recognized the need for mental health support for all of our students, and have thus brought excellent peer leaders on board to support the wellness and individual needs of all of our students, those who entered their freshman year, those who transferred, and those who are otherwise non-traditional students. Lastly, PATHS offers immense opportunities in volunteering, as well as catered educational presentations and panels ongoing throughout the year, providing benefits to both the community and the members of the club. Altogether, PATHS has created a large community of driven and ambitious students who hope to continue uplifting and encouraging those who are just starting their journey at UCLA, or those who just need a little extra help at any step of their way.

Signatories: Serena Siddiq, Evan Coulter, and Julian Zaragoza

Advisor: Orlando Luna

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