
bozalta is an online publication that brings artists, activists, and scholars together in a collaborative space where anti-colonial ways of knowing and innovative forms of knowledge production are shared as image, sound, and text. It is a location from which to speak up and speak out, a space where muzzles are removed, and untamed, wild work is given place and prominence. We feature works that move fluidly across borders and in the languages of the Americas, towards social justice. We are excited to participate in this exchange by showcasing critically-engaged and community-focused works that challenge us to think in new ways. We aim to cultivate conversation across disciplines, from within, beyond, and between the spheres of academia, arts, and activism. bozalta is produced by a non-hierarchical collective of graduate students at the University of California, Los Angeles. For more see

Signatories: Kevin Cruz Amaya, Gabriela Rodriguez-Gomez, and Erika Hirugami

Advisor: Orlando Luna

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