Jewish-Muslim Alliance (JMA)

The Jewish-Muslim Alliance (JMA) is an organization that is welcoming and open to all individuals regardless of religion. The club is meant to spread virtue and compassion as well as create an aura of kindness and mindfulness. Both during and outside of meetings, members will develop teamwork, learn the importance of generosity, and have an enjoyable time filled with many laughs. Gatherings will bring members together and encourage both cooperation and support in regards to helping out those in need. Festivities and barbeques will be held to spread more positivity during certain holidays, where members and non-members would share their thoughts and have a pleasant experience. As a caring and brotherly/sisterly team, we will reach out to other kindhearted organizations with the sole purpose of making our community a better place.

Signatories: Sam Behboodi, Daniel Rabkin, and Daniel Pirian

Advisor: Pamela R Cysner

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