Swipe Out Hunger

Swipe Out Hunger (formerly Swipes for the Homeless) was established as a University of California, Los Angeles student organization in the Fall of 2009 in order to help alleviate food insecurity in the Los Angeles area. At the end of the quarter, these students can donate their unused meal swipes, which would otherwise go to waste, to Swipe Out Hunger outside the dining halls during Week 10. Our organization then converts these donated swipes to meal vouchers for food insecure students. Swipe Out Hunger uses a holistic approach to the abolition of student food insecurity, so the club also gleans from local farmers markets to get fresh produce for students, has large-scale food-making events to raise awareness, cooks meals at women's' and veterans' shelters, and actively takes part in food justice and food activism on and off UCLA's campus.


Signatories: Reilly Chin, John Luke Piepgras, and Annika Mittelhauser

Advisor: Pamela R Cysner

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