Cap & Scrap

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Cap & Scrap is short for "Capture and Scrapbook." Cap & Scrap's mission is to provide students with one outlet for creativity and expression by capturing the significance of one moment via photographs. In this digital age, many photographs that we take remain on our phones, tablets, or laptops without us ever touching them again. However, Cap & Scrap wants to change that by physically manifesting the importance of a digital photo into a scrapbook of memories. More specifically, Cap & Scrap's mission is to be the medium by which individuals from underserved communities can tell their stories through scrapbooks that our volunteers will create. Cap & Scrap will work with individuals affected by homelessness and individuals in hospice to capture portraits of individuals or photographs of objects they treasure. By transforming these digital pictures into physical scrapbooks, Cap & Scrap hopes to promote the impact that our service recipients have in the world.

Signatories: Jamie Vu, Lyna Dinh, and Celena Kim

Advisor: Maria Anna Salazar Capinpin

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