Collegiate Sales Society @ UCLA

Collegiate Sales Society @ UCLA Logo

Collegiate Sales Society @ UCLA is a group of students interested in pursuing sales jobs after graduation. We’re dedicated to helping students learn about the sales profession, become trained in sales techniques, network with industry sales leaders, and earn sales internships and full-time jobs. We have four tracks related to sales -- Healthcare, Technology, Sports, and Real Estate. CSS teaches students to use the resources available to them on campus and expand personal and professional knowledge. We believe in making the dream of pursuing a career in sales a reality for college students by providing robust sales education and career development opportunities. Sales is one of the most popular professions, and by joining a CSS chapter students gain access to additional curriculum and tools to launch a successful career in sales. This is where being part of a CSS chapter becomes an important tool for securing that dream sales job post-graduation! On top of all that knowledge currently taught to college students, joining or creating a CSS chapter is the perfect addition to a well-rounded professional development experience.

Signatories: Ciqing Mu, Yining Lu, and Tecia Yang

Advisor: Orlando Luna

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