Iranian Music Circle

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The Iranian Music Circle is designed to unite UCLA students, who have a passion for Iranian music, specifically that of the diaspora. Popular Iranian artists of interest include Googoosh, Mahasti, Hayedeh, Ramesh, and Ebi, among others. Within each session, members will carefully listen to select Iranian songs, perform lyrical analysis, and examine the significance and meanings of these songs, especially in the given context of which they were written (prior to the Iranian revolution of 1979). We will examine the work of Iranian artists of various genres, including traditional folk and classical, as well as pop, jazz, rock, and hip hop. The club will focus on nuances and the transition to contemporary Iranian music, accentuating the similarities and differences of these powerful pieces of music. Overall, the Iranian Music Circle seeks to build a community for UCLA students, who have a love of Iranian music.

Signatories: Daniel Moradzadeh, Aderina Norouzi, and Romina Falahaty

Advisor: Jonathon Taylor Jones

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