Clinica De La Gente

Our mission is to provide culturally appropriate care, while making healthcare more accessible to underserved communities in the Los Angeles area, specifically focusing on the uninsured Latinx community and Immigrant health. We are a student-run clinic targeted towards the uninsured Latinx/Chicanx community of Los Ángeles. Ultimately, our goal is to be based out of a stationary clinic, but for now we will operate under a mobile clinic framework. We plan to set up locations throughout East Los Ángeles that strongly represent our target audience. A few locations that came to mind were: store front at the East Los Ángeles Target, store front at the Mexican consulate in Westlake, and Cesar Chavez Plaza in East Los Angeles. Our objective is to provide student lead medical care, under the supervision of an attending, to the uninsured community in those areas. A few services that we were thinking of providing were blood pressure readings, glucose readings, and General physical exams (with the intention of helping our patients get into a more secure continuum of care if anything arises). As we grow, we want to be able to provide social services with the hopes of getting as many uninsured Latinx/Chicanx individuals under healthcare. The organization will have two parts: the medical team, which will be comprised of medical students and the attending, and the undergrad team, which will be the bulk of the organizing power. We plan to make this a student-run undergraduate organization that will be working together with medical students to serve a common cause, getting more uninsured Latinx/Chicanx individuals the medical attention they deserve.

Signatories: Adelaide Leung, Asal Bastani, and Ramya Ramakrishnan

Advisor: Pamela R Cysner

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