Pediatric AIDS Coalition

The Pediatric AIDS Coalition (PAC) at UCLA seeks to encourage unified action by bringing together a diverse student population through education, action and support in the constant fight against Pediatric HIV/AIDS. PAC is the largest student-run nonprofit on the west coast. Since 2002, PAC has planned and executed an annual 26-Hour Dance Marathon (DM). DM seeks to empower the UCLA campus community in the fight to end mother-to-child transmission of HIV, raising funds and awareness about the importance of HIV education and testing. We give students the space to make an impact in halting the spread of this devastating pandemic. DM has become an iconic event within the UCLA community, so much so that it's considered a 'True Bruin Tradition.' Now entering its 20th year, DM has grown to be the largest student-run philanthropic event that raises funds and awareness for HIV/AIDS. However, DM is just one part of our larger organization: the Pediatric AIDS Coalition (PAC). In addition to putting on and participating in DM, members of PAC will participate in promotional and educational events, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities that are intended to involve and become involved with the UCLA and Los Angeles communities Dance Marathon has raised nearly $6.0 million in the past 20 years in support of children living with and affected by HIV around the world. Proceeds benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, “the largest Pediatric AIDS foundation in the United States“, the Laurel Foundation, a free summer camp program that provides children living with and affected by HIV with the experience of a lifetime, and the UCLA AIDS Institute, a cutting-edge research facility at the forefront of the search for a cure. PAC also sponsors activities on campus throughout the year for the UCLA community including AIDS education in the form of performances and presentations, mentor days with kids from the camps, free HIV testing, and coordination of major events for World AIDS Day. New programs include the Life Skills Retreat for HIV-affected adolescents and a Family Mentorship Program. PAC is constantly looking for new, innovative ways to unite students, community activists, celebrities and leaders around the cause of pediatric AIDS treatment and eradication, and PAC is looking forward to its expansion into the greater Los Angeles community. We welcome any and all individuals with a passion for the global wellbeing of children and mothers and a willingness to learn about HIV and AIDS-- and how existing inequalities impact them further. With 16 committees, our General Committee (GenComm) has a place for you; otherwise, we will see you at Dance Marathon!

Signatories: Lexi Daetz, Naomi Crocker, and Caroline Breckling

Advisor: Pamela R Cysner

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